When your debt begins to quickly outpace your income and your debtors start to call and demand payments you cannot make, then filing for bankruptcy may help you begin again. The United States Courts website reports that individuals may file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy;...
Month: February 2022
521 documents and the 341 meeting for those declaring bankruptcy
If you are going to declare Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will soon attend the “341 meeting” for which your attorney will provide the “521 documents.” What are these documents and what is this meeting about? About the 341 meeting Also called the “meeting of...
Bankruptcy and federal student loans
Bankruptcy may be your option when it comes to alleviating financial pressure and getting a handle on your life again. Whether through a repayment plan or full loan discharging, it is a tool to assist you. One of the unfortunate realities about bankruptcy is that...