If you become overwhelmed with debt, you may want to consider filing bankruptcy. If you owe back taxes, you may wonder what will happen to these liabilities in bankruptcy. Taxing authorities are aggressive debt collectors. A bankruptcy will temporarily stop collection...
Month: September 2022
Can you keep a co-parent from picking a bad babysitter?
Because your kids are the most important people in your life, you always provide for their physical, mental and emotional needs. If you work and have a social life, though, you cannot always be with your children. Sometimes, you must rely on a babysitter or child care...
Are you going to have to take the bus after your bankruptcy?
Largely due to record-high inflation, Americans are more in debt now than they ever have been. Indeed, according to LendingTree, U.S. consumers have racked up nearly $900 billion in credit card debt. This figure does not include the billions of dollars Americans have...
Web-based child support payments in North Carolina
It is essential to take a close look at various topics if you owe child support, such as the penalties you could deal with if you do not pay and factors that could affect the amount you owe (such as job loss or your child's high school graduation). In addition, you...