Harmful financial circumstances may improve with divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 10, 2021 | Family Law |

Couples may begin to feel increasing stress when one of them spends more money than a household budget can afford. The issue may not reflect the money itself; it may instead revolve around hiding purchases or lying about their costs.

As noted by Business Insider, some red flags of couples experiencing financial and trust issues include discovering secret bank statements or credit card accounts. Finding expensive clothing tucked away in a closet or new 1099 interest statements during tax time may also point to a spouse with undisclosed spending habits.

Signs a marriage may have reached a point of no return

When one spouse suddenly takes control of a couple’s previously shared finances, the marriage may have reached a critical stage. Preventing a spouse from accessing a shared bank account may indicate that a controlling individual has an extramarital lover or a business to conceal.

While dissolving a marriage might prove painful, a continuous strain on a shared budget may eventually result in losing a home or other valuable assets. As noted by U.S. News and World Report, divorcing a spendthrift spouse may allow an individual to regain control of his or her own finances.

Divorce may provide an opportunity to return to a single person’s budget

A recently divorced individual living alone may soon find budgeting becomes easier. He or she may begin to save or invest money that a former spouse would have spent in opposition to a couple’s shared goals. Single individuals may also have more money available to pay off debts, travel or contribute to their retirement plans.

More than 33% of married or cohabitating individuals surveyed by The Harris Poll admitted that money caused the greatest stress in their relationship during 2018. A divorce may not only end arguments; it may also provide increased resources to lead a more meaningful lifestyle.


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