Experienced Guidance Through The Divorce Process

North Carolina is a “no-fault” divorce state, which means the only stipulations to obtain a divorce are that either spouse has been a resident of North Carolina for six months prior to filing for divorce, and that the couple has lived separately for 12 consecutive months with the intent to remain separated.

You are not required to hire a lawyer to get a divorce, but if you have minor children or significant assets of any kind — such as a home or retirement savings — it is a good idea to retain the services of an experienced family law attorney who will protect your rights.

With more than 50 years of cumulative experience, our family law attorneys are fully capable of handling divorces involving substantial assets, family businesses and other complex financial holdings.

At The Law Office of Geoffrey A. Planer in Gastonia, North Carolina, we help our clients navigate through the divorce process. Every individual’s situation is unique, but we always strive to place our clients in the best possible position financially and emotionally following their divorce.

Put A Proven Family Law Attorney In Your Corner

We are strong advocates for our clients in regards to child custody, equitable division of assets and debt, child and spousal support, and other key issues that must be resolved.

We work to resolve matters as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. If you and your spouse already agree to the terms of your divorce, it may be possible to opt for an uncontested divorce or a collaborative divorce. Not only are these faster and less expensive than a contested divorce, but both parties also retain more control over the important aspects of their post-divorce lives.

If there are unresolved issues, we help many of our clients reach agreement through mediation. Unlike a court trial that pits one spouse against the other, mediation seeks to resolve issues through open communication and compromise. Mediation sessions can include either party’s attorneys or a neutral attorney/mediator who can inform both parties of their legal rights.

While we are effective negotiators, we have also produced positive outcomes through litigation and do not hesitate to go to court if it’s in the best interests of a client.

We invite you to contact us to discuss your situation and get answers to your questions.